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- Advertising Management
- Brand Management
- Compensation Management
- Computer Awareness For Managers
- Consumer Behaviour
- Data Base Management System
- E – Commerce
- Industrial Marketing
- International Logistics Management
- International Marketing
- Introduction to Programming
- Labour Laws
- Logistics Management and Retail Information
- Management Information System
- Management of Industrial Relations
- Management of Training and Development
- Management Science
- Marketing of Services
- Organisational Change and Development
- Organizational Behavior & Management Process
- Quantitative Methods
- Retail Strategies
- Sales and Distribution Management
- Software Engineering
- Strategic Management
- Structured System Analysis and Design
- Structured System Analysis and Design
- Total Quality Management
- Visual Programming
- World Economy and Globalization
- Business Environment
- Computer Application in Management
- Environmental Management
- ERP & Web Based Supply Chain Management
- Import Export Management
- International Human Resource Management,
- Logistics Management
- Managerial Economics
- Materials Management
- Organizational Behaviour and Management Process
- Overview of Retailing and Retail Formats
- Production Technique Module
- Purchasing Material Management
- Research Methodology & Quantitative Techniques
- Retail Merchandise Management
- Retail Organization and Managing Retail Personnel
- Retail Strategies
- Retail Supply Chain Management
- Store Operations, Layout Designs, & Visual Merchandising
- प्रबंधन में कम्प्यूटर के अनुप्रयोग
- विपणन के सिद्धांत
- प्रबंध विज्ञान
- व्यवसायिक सम्प्रेषण
- व्यवहारिक अर्थषास्त्र
- व्यवसायिक गणित
- कार्मिक प्रबंध